Homeschool Support

Program Info

Seasonal Sessions:

Fall- September 9-November 27

Winter- Dec 2-Feb 28

Spring- March-10- May 22

Forager Bees: 6-10 year olds

Wednesdays 9-2:30 and from 12:30-2:30.

Horsemanship: 6-14 year olds

Select Fridays 2:00-4:00.

Located in and around Ogden, Utah with a homebase at our campus located at 1283 32nd street.

Wednesday class is focused on seasonal learning in the outdoors. Filled with hands on scientific observations and experiments along with all of the playing our Honeybees can handle.

Fridays will be spent at our pasture in Marriot-Slaterville with licensed and insured riding instructors. On weeks we can’t ride we will learn how to feed, groom, care for and train our herd.

*Days and locations subject to change

We believe in following the interests of each child in a grounded exploration of ourselves, each other and our community. With support from our learning facilitators we get to approach academics in an authentic and integrated way. We do this through project based learning with a seasonal geographic focus. Learning about various aspects of present daily life and REAL world history sparks intrigue and a love for learning through practical application.

Below are some beautiful ways we incorporate foundational pillars of learning into each day spent together.

Please feel free to email us to schedule a tour with us if you have never been to our campus and are interested in meeting our staff.

  • History, Geography and Social Sciences

    Following our seasonal geographical focus we immerse the kids in the culture and history of each region we study.

    With a community focused approach we use visual and audio stories, open-ended and professional-led crafts, authentic regional recipes, art study, music, and videos to explore the people, geography, history, food, and celebrations of each region.

  • Mathematics

    We will explore mathematical reasoning and patterns through games, scientific observations, art projects and STEM projects including building and engineering. Math will be easily integrated into the context of what we are observing, building, or playing with. We’ll also learn about mathematicians throughout history and how mathematics continues to evolve.

  • Language Arts

    We will be exploring language and literature as we read great stories and poetry from around the world. Students will enjoy doing literary projects together like group reading, writing and performing skits/short movies, and doing creative writing projects. Some of our favorite projects so far have been collaborative movie scripts, comic books and mad libs.

  • Scientific Exploration

    Through local expeditions we will learn about biology, zoology, chemistry and technology. Individual and group projects will follow the scientific process of observing, hypothesising, testing their speculations through experimentation, analyzing their results and drawing an informed conclusion from their experiences.

    We believe that through engaging with our community to reflect on our seasonal focus will allow our Honeybees to make practical observations about how various populations live(d). Therefore creating an opportunity to solve a new or ancient conflict in an innovative way.

  • Technology and Engineering

    Project based learning calls for our students to be hands on creators of their education. We will provide the opportunity for experiential learning with technology at our local libraries and by partnering with fantastic community partners who are professionals in their field.

    This may include, but is not limited to stop motion animation, videography and film-making, 3-D printing and scanning, image editing, robotics, illustration, and building with power tools.

  • Nature Immersion Physical Education and Art

    We believe that nature and environment is the most important teacher for our students. Nature immersion is a priority in our days spent together regardless of the weather. Having the time and space to freely explore and engage with the elements is vital in processing the varied levels of learning through the year.

    Spending time outdoors provides the most nurturing environment for us to challenge our bodies through hiking, climbing, biking and team games.

    We will implement art into each subject by providing open-ended materials to manipulate and model the learning happening each day. Students will have to opportunity to learn about regional art, art history and local artists through weekly workshops.